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Competitor site analysis

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In order to launch a new product and service on the market, to develop an effective promotion strategy, analytics of competitor sites is required. This is not just an overview of the sites, but an opportunity to conduct a number of necessary studies.

Why do you need a competitor analysis?

Analyzing a competitor's website will help you find a solution to the questions with whom to fight for ratings and the target audience, what are the possibilities of other projects, popular marketing tools. In order for the task to be completed efficiently and competently, you should order an analysis of competitor sites from Ocean-agency specialists. They will help to study the "opponents" from different angles and take effective steps to raise the rating of the client's project.

Marketing analysis of competitors - what to look for?

If a business owner decides to order competitor analysis from professionals, they will reveal different aspects of the activity.
When conducting competitor market research, you should pay attention to:

  • The structure of the online platform. Identification of relevant sections, pages, needs for expanding navigation. At the same time, they take into account the clarity, simplicity of the site, and also use a smart seo filter;
  • Resource filling. Content is one of the main factors in ranking and promoting a project. Consider the headings of articles, the uniqueness of product cards (description, photos, parameters, reviews), the availability of information on all sections, the length of thoughtful texts on the main pages (2000 - 3000 characters). Experts recommend paying attention not to volumes, but to occurrences of low and medium frequency queries, the use of keywords, the development of a semantic core (special services are used to form it). Maintaining a useful blog is also important;
  • technical optimization. With the help of a specialist and technology, you can analyze competitor traffic, indexing, relevance, text optimization, speed. Analyzing a competitor’s website will help in determining its age, secure protocol, micro-markup, adaptability for mobile devices and additional characteristics.
  • Link profile. Evaluation of the quantity and quality of external links, their placement on specific resources;
  • Usability and design. Navigation, functionality, usefulness, ease of use, communication speed and attractiveness of the site are taken into account;
  • Resource promotion. The main role is given to SMM promotion in social networks, the presence of a site on third-party resources, work on reputation, cooperation with large marketplaces.

Competitor analysis service is popular among the professionals of our company. It is practically impossible to conduct a number of complex studies on your own. The answer to the question of how much does competitor analysis cost is also obvious, you won’t be able to find a cheap high-quality result, because this is a combination of the work of specialists in different areas, the use of special services and applications, often a paid option.
A well-designed analysis of competitors in the search will help you find the weak points of your site and eliminate them. With the service it is possible to raise your site to the top, take your business to a new level.