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Evaluation of the effectiveness of promotion

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We have extensive experience in various projects. From landing pages to CRM systems.


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There are still questions ?

Website promotion is a whole complex of works, sometimes very different, but in any case interconnected and aimed at the same end result. Internet marketing itself offers different options for website promotion methods. But if you use them to the maximum, in combination or separately, the result will be the most effective. And even if you yourself decide to start promoting your site, you still need to evaluate its effectiveness. But what exactly needs to be assessed, you ask? The answer to this question is simple - what is your goal of creating a site, then we estimate.

So, the most common goals for evaluating a site will be:

  • increase traffic to your site and as a result of orders;
  • create the most positive image of the company and increase confidence in their products;
  • raise the site by rating.

After you have decided on the purpose of assessing the effectiveness of the site, the work itself will be carried out. In this case, all orders are taken into account, their number, which are carried out precisely through the site, the number of new users and the period in which they appeared, as well as how, etc. After all the work carried out, the total will be summed up and the corresponding measures.