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There are still questions ?

Website content analysis is a complex process that requires a professional approach. The check will help you find problem areas, fix them, raise your reputation and improve the promotion of the site. It is necessary to analyze the site page in many ways, only in this way the results will be informative and high-quality in further processing.

What parameters should be used to check the content of the site?

Content analysis - the services of many agencies that specialize in promoting online sites.
Our experts choose to check the site page for the following factors:

  • Text. It should be on both the main and section pages. It is important to analyze the volume and uniqueness. Also, ease of perception, interestingness, and the ability to present the product are taken into account. With the help of text, you can not only raise positions in the search engine, but also convey important information to a potential client. For ease of reading, text up to 3000 characters is recommended for the main page. Less data can be used for subsections, but they should serve as a call to action, revealing the pros of the proposals. The correct text will always increase the relevance of the page, it uses key queries. Analysis of the site for key queries, the introduction of low and medium frequency phrases helps to bring the site to the top of the search engine.
  • Keys. Checking the site by keywords and developing a semantic core are possible with the help of special resources. Manually, the process will be significantly delayed and the opinion will be effective. Automation of analytics will help determine the keywords, necessary tags and link mass;
  • Nausea. Evaluation of site nausea is a task that eliminates page spamming, too frequent use of keywords. SEO experts recommend
  • check the site for nausea and wateriness. For quality, both indicators should not go beyond the norm;
  • Blogging. An interesting article, topical news will help expand the involvement of the site. The text tool is a key factor in the formation of content, so good copywriters are always worth their weight in gold;
  • Product cards. It is especially relevant for online stores, but such an audit is not in last place in the description of services. Be sure to check whether there is optimization of the text, photos, the possibility of selecting parameters, the presence of reviews. A modern tool - a video review, will help to reveal all the features of the offer and not miss the client;
  • Commercial analysis of service content. This is an opportunity to study the proposed methods of payment, delivery, the convenience of the basket, the ease of placing an order.

The search factor is often determined by the presence of content. The site is empty with a minimum of information? You can not even count on high positions. Ordering website content analysis is one of the ways to promote a business. The Ocean-agency team will hold it at the highest level, with a further offer of many solutions for filling the site.