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ERP document management systems

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Electronic document management is a good way to automate business processes, organize the transfer of documents between employees.

Electronic document management tools will help you quickly exchange files, while maintaining their legal force, data security.

Programs for electronic document management Ukraine is a great opportunity to use digital documents and practically eliminate paper media. Work can be different: creation, editing, signatures, transfer between employees, accounting in accounting. The document is transferred to a reliable server, with access from employees' computers. You can forget about dusty archives and long searches.

Features of the document management program

In modern conditions, digital documentation with a qualified electronic signature is not inferior in legal significance to paper versions. Once signed, the document becomes unchanged. The option can be safely applied in regulatory bodies, courts.

Electronic document management can be of two types:

  • internal;
  • External.

The option of internal documentation management proved to be excellent, the architecture of the electronic document management system is convenient for all employees of one enterprise.

The external option makes it possible to exchange data with a counterparty. This is the sending of documentation to business partners, in the country and abroad. Especially relevant for companies with international business, foreign economic activity. Fast exchange allows you to effectively cooperate, without long transfers by postal services.

Reasons for document management in an organization

Automation and e-governance can take your business to the next level. The document management program in the organization is able to solve many problems and greatly simplify the maintenance of documentation, without long preparation, bureaucracy, signatures and delivery by couriers to partners.

Reasons to use new technologies modern technologies and workflow in the enterprise characteristics:

  • Significant reduction in financial investments. When placing partners, customers and suppliers in different regions, there is no need for postage, couriers, etc.;
  • Ability to work systematically. The main process is established, you can find the desired document among dozens of folders in a few clicks. Convenient filters are often thought out for quick searches;
  • Loss elimination. Available settings included in the appropriate folders;
  • Acceleration of work. Signature of several pages at once, online approval, the ability to read and approve even in a mobile application;
  • High level of control. The service allows managers to see the status of a document, receive a notification about its change, and therefore control the work of employees. This is a document control program.

Ocean-agency offers various high-level technological developments. The document management program will be implemented taking into account all the necessary functionality for running a particular business. We have available to consider the erp system examples and choose relevant solutions for successful implementation in the working system.